Deadline for Submission: 10.08.2018.
Project description: The overall objective of the Civil Society Facility, of which this contract is a part, is to strengthen participatory democracies and the EU approximation process in the Western Balkans and Turkey. The main goal of TACSO 3 is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations (CSOs) to actively take part in the democratic processes and to stimulate an enabling environment for civil society and pluralistic media development.
Key expert: Team Leader – minimum 660 Working days
- Qualifications and skills: University degree or equivalent (i.c. 8 years of professional experience following secondary education)
- General professional experience: at least 10 years of working experience, out of which at least 5 years of professional experience in an international setting;
- Specific professional experience:
- at least five years of working experience with Civil Society, and;
- at least five years’ experience in working with trainers and/or experts and training/capacity building activities at similar scale of this present contract (e.g. in terms of regional covering of various countries; contract value; number of working days);
- at least five years of experience in managing a team composed of trainers/experts; supervising and coordinating all technical aspects of a contract; ensuring good client communication; organising and overseeing administrative and logistical support.